By convention, it is the non custodial parent who is saddled with the responsibility of paying for child support. Payment differs from state to state and the percentage to be received is based on several factors including parent’s income, basic needs of the child, and how often a parent sees the child.
The court does have the power to order additional support for child support especially if the child or children have some special needs that requires extra funds including medical issues. The court will also order the parent to provide medical insurance for kids with health related issues if it is available for a reasonable cost. Health insurance is one of the best ways to make sure health is properly maintained. An order for child support payments lasts until the child has attained maturity age usually 18 years and above. Child support payments can extend beyond the age of maturity in certain circumstances such as disability before 18th birthday. In order to get what you desire while filing for child support, it is advisable to consult with a professional child support attorney.
Finding a reliable child support attorney
The rate at which marriages break up in the world today is extremely alarming. It is possible that you have friends that have experienced child support hearings, consult with them to know which child support attorney is the best to hire. You should also ask about their experience with the attorney. The internet is also a great resource when searching for a reliable attorney for your child support action. Do a thorough research on the attorney you discover online. If the attorney has a website, visit to check what he or she has to offer. You should also check to see if they have promoted their website with respect to child support service offered. By checking their website, you can find detailed information about the kind of services they offer and how reliable they are when it comes to dealing with child support law actions.
Once you have compiled a list of child support attorneys you think are qualified for the job, then you can decide to speak to each of them. By so doing, you will know which one is best suited for the job. Try to schedule a meeting for an initial evaluation. While some attorneys charge a fee for consultation, others are free. However, the more experience an attorney has with regards to child support the more probable that you will be charged for time spent. Before going to meet with a child support attorney, you need to prepare the necessary document that will aid the case such as years of marriage, recent family situation, and financial statement. Also make sure to ask your child support attorney how calls and emails are being responded to. After taking your time to meet with each attorney, you should therefore choose the one you feel comfortable with and the one you also know can help you get the result you so much desire to have.
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Serving the following areas:
Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.