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No one likes going to court. No one likes the cost, in money and time, of litigation. Some people don’t like dealing with lawyers.

Mediation is different. Mediation is an attempt to come to a resolution out of court, on divorce issues, or a wide variety of other matters. It is sometimes confused with arbitration. Both are methods of “alternative dispute resolution.” Arbitration is similar to a court process, where a decision is handed down by the arbitrator. Contact a Camp Hill PA divorce mediation attorney.

Mediation on the other hand is an attempt, with the assistance of an experienced attorney, to avoid litigation and come to a settlement that is acceptable to both sides. Aside from the advantages in time and cost savings, are these:
  • You, rather than a judge, determine the outcome
  • A more casual atmosphere
  • Reduced stress on children involved

Divorce issues including child custody disputes, support, and property division can be settled with a family mediator. An experienced attorney can bring up options you may not have considered, and bring awareness of the ultimate fairness of arrangements you are considering. Most important, an attorney knows the law and can inform the participants and mediator what would happen if the case did end up in court, and what Pennsylvania law would dictate.

How to End Your Marriage With Dignity and Respect

If you have family and divorce law legal questions, contact the Law Offices of Peter J. Russo, P.C., in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania.

Serving the following areas:

Adams County, Cumberland County, Dauphin County, Lancaster County, Lebanon County, York County.

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